Happy Transgender Day of Visibility! Today has been declared a day to affirm trans rights as human rights, and to celebrate and provide visibility to the achievements made by trans, gender non-conforming, and nonbinary people around the world.
We have a merch line coming in April and for this line, I've decided to give all profits this time around to the National Center for Transgender Equality. This organization provides a wealth of resources for transgender individuals and education on transgender rights. In addition, they advocate for legislation that supports transgender bodily autonomy, equal access to healthcare and employment, action against discrimination, and safety across the lives of transgender people. Their goal is to change policy and create a more accepting world for transgender individuals, and it's important to me that we help them in this cause. If you would like to read more about their cause, please click here.
For more on Transgender Day of Visibility, GLAAD offers some important information collected around critical issues for LGBTQIA+ youth/adults and how to help. You can view more here.
Keep an eye on the blog for updates and I’ll send out a newsletter when we have more information on merchandise. We are preparing the store now and are working to offer a free poster with some orders. More details will be provided soon!